How to keep hands soft

Tips for getting rid of dry skin

Tips to get rid of dry skin:

  • Protect your hands from external influences that can cause dehydration, such as: cleaning and gardening activities.
  • Use olive oil, coconut or shea butter, to get a smoother skin.
  • Use a good hand moisturizer for soft and soft skin, as well as eliminate dryness and roughness of the skin, preferably after washing dishes.
  • Wear cotton gloves during the night, to get a soft skin in the morning.
Use natural mixtures

Olive oil with sugar
Olive oil with sugar is one of the recipes that can be used to get two fine hands, as follows:
  • Mix half a teaspoon of olive oil, with a teaspoon of sugar.
  • Apply the mixture to the hands, rubbing the hands for several minutes, then washing them with water.
Coconut Oil
To make a coconut oil mixture it is recommended to follow the following:
  • Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil, with two tablespoons of honey well.
  • Add a quarter cup of salt with a quarter cup of sugar to the mixture.
  • Add a tablespoon of lemon juice, then mix the ingredients in order to get a moist mixture.
  • Apply the mixture to the hands, with a good scrub especially between the fingers.
  • Wash your hands with warm water, and dry well, and this mixture can be applied once or twice a week.
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How to get rid of halitosis


     Halitosis is one of the problems that may affect anyone of any age. When this problem occurs, a foul odor is produced from the mouth from one period to another. The smell is caused by the mouth or teeth or is caused by a particular health problem. The problem of bad breath may be temporary or Chronic, and the smell of mouth negative effects on the psyche of the person; it will cause embarrassment to the person, and may cause him tension and anxiety.

Reasons halitosis

There are many reasons that lead to the emergence of halitosis
  • the food:Food is one of the most important causes of halitosis, Garlic, garlic, onion, fish, some cheeses, acidic beverages, and coffee. The smell of the mouth is usually temporary, but there are some types of foods that stick to the teeth and then the plaque accumulates. It is worth mentioning that eating low carbohydrate foods forces the body to burn fat as an energy source, and that one of the products of burning fat are ketones that give the smell of acetone foul mouth.
  • Smoking:Smoking tobacco or chewing tobacco products results in halitosis
  • Xerostomia (Dry mouth):Saliva works to clean and moisturize the mouth, and lead to dry mouth and the appearance of bad smell. The causes of saliva deficiency are due to several reasons including: diseases and problems in salivary glands, diseases and disorders of connective tissue.
  • Oral problems:Such as mouth infections, tooth decay, gum disease, and dental implants.
  • pharmaceutical:Such as anti-histamine and diuretics.
  • Morning Smell:The appearance of the smell of mouth in the morning is common among people, because the production of saliva stops at night, leading to the proliferation of bacteria that are equal to the emergence of bad breath.
Tips for the smell of mouth

There are many procedures that can be followed to get rid of the smell of mouth or avoid appearance.
  • Teeth brushing and the use of dental floss:The person must brush his teeth at least twice a day, and use the medical dental floss at least once a day. Anyone who wants to maintain a good mouth odor throughout the day should increase the number of brushing times and the use of the medical thread. The sticky sticky teeth represent an environment suitable for the growth of bacteria responsible for bad breath, and brushing teeth and medical thread can get rid of this layer.
  • Use mouthwash:It is recommended to use mouthwash daily, preferably a mouthwash that smells good and refreshing mint scent, in addition to the need to contain a deadly substance for bacteria, and the need to mention the need to rinse the mouth with water after eating to get rid of residual food stuck between the teeth.
  • Avoid eating sour foods:Such as onions and garlic, and it is worth mentioning that brushing teeth is not useful in getting rid of the smell of mouth after eating this type of food; as these foods take a path in the bloodstream, and then move to the lungs to keep the smell of mouth foul for a while, Eat these foods when going to work or seeing friends.
  • stop smoking:Smoking causes great damage to teeth and gums. It can lead to tooth pigmentation, gum damage, cancer, as well as foul smelling. The smoker must work with his doctor to quit. The smoker may resort to nicotine strips sold. From non-prescription, there are many options, medications, and programs that help to quit smoking.
  • Chewing sugar-free chewing gum:Chewing frankincense stimulates the production of saliva inside the mouth. Saliva is the first line of defense against plaque and bad breath. It is worth noting that sugar-free gum should be used instead of sugar-containing frankincense because bacteria inside the mouth use sugar to manufacture their own acids, Tooth and bad breath.
  • Keep mouth moisturizing constantly:Dry mouth can cause bad breath, and dry mouth is recommended to drink plenty of water, chewing sugar-free frankincense, and moisturizing the room's atmosphere during sleep.
  • Change the toothbrush periodically:The toothbrush must be changed every three to four months, choosing a toothbrush with soft bristles.
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Benefits of lemon to face

Lemon sour

 Citrus lemons are vegetables that belong to the citrus family, which are spread in the cold winter. It is characterized by its green and yellow color and its distinctive acid taste. Lemon is used in various foods, salads and sauces. It is also possible to drink lemonade in normal days and in winter. , Besides its distinctive taste and its important addition to different foods, it enjoys many health benefits for its richness in the important elements of the body, and is used for cosmetic purposes of the face and hair.
    Some benefits of lemon
  • Reduce scars and redness.
  • The skin is bright, shiny and vibrant with a distinctive glow.
  • Eliminate the signs and effects of acne
  • Clean the skin from the effects of daily use of cosmetics.
  • Signs of aging delay the aging of the face.
  • Lighten the skin especially for people with dark and irritating skin.
  • Low fat that leads to the appearance of grains on the face.
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Beautiful hair tips

Women's hair is the secret of their beauty, but with different climatic conditions, sunlight and sterile substances added to the water, all these causes lead to hair damage and change in nature.

  Some ways to maintain the beauty of your hair:

  • For each type of hair (greasy, dry, normal, and hair containing the cortex), a special shampoo is suitable for the nature of your hair.
  • Wash the hair carefully and reduce the number of times shampooed weekly because the frequent washing of shampoo works lose it natural oils that protect it from dehydration.
  • Change shampoo every six months, preferably at the choice of natural shampoos.
  • Keep the oil bath to your hair with natural materials, and also use some oils useful for hair such as castor oil.
  • Use hair care products, and be careful to choose cosmetics because some of them are cheap and contain many chemicals.
  • Do not exaggerate in combing your hair, some rumors say that the large comb hair helps him to lengthen faster, but these rumors or habits are wrong because continuous comb hair helps to bomb hair and fall
  • It is best to have a special hair brush for you, and wash it weekly and wash it with lukewarm water and soap.
  • Avoid drying your hair with the electric dryer after showering, leave it to dry alone, and if you have to use the electric dryer, use a moisturizer for your hair, such as almond oil.
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Honey benefits for skin

         The natural honey with color and taste is not only wonderful taste sweet food, or flavored and natural home for your drinks and sweets and dishes,
         Honey bee has become widely used in cosmetics, because of its great benefits whether it is used externally to work masks and skin masks or even if taken internally,

Honey benefits for skin:
To get rid of acne: by bringing two tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of thermos and a teaspoon of apple vinegar and mix the ingredients together to form a cohesive dough, then bring sterile gauze and put the mixture and put on the face or place of grain for 20 minutes and then take away Mask and wash the face with warm water and soap, then as in the previous recipe is to pass a piece of cotton moistened with rose water or lemon juice for a minute and then wash the face and is gently dried.
In order to moisturize the skin and eliminate dryness and increase its softness, honey is mixed with a little yoghurt or yeast and placed on the skin as a mask left on the skin for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water and soap, then moisten a piece of cotton with a little rose water and pass Apply gently to the skin for 3 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water.

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Benefits of cinnamon with milk

Milk is a useful food containing many nutrients. It has been an important place in human nutrition since ancient times. It is a source of high-value protein. It is also an essential source of calcium, a good source of vitamin B12 and other vitamins and minerals, as well as water.

Cinnamon is a flowering green plant, characterized by a distinctive aromatic berry, dried from the small and long branches of the cinnamon we use. There are two types of cinnamon: cinnamon, cinnamon or cacia, and it is used as a flavoring, It is used as a medicinal medicinal herb since ancient times, and cinnamon is characterized by the lightest bark (between gray and brown).

In this article, a perfect drink of milk and cinnamon comes together to get their benefits combined.

Benefits of cinnamon with milk
When you add cinnamon to milk, we get their benefits combined in one drink. The benefits of this drink include the following:

  • Bone strength, where milk intake helps give the body the calcium needed to build stronger bones, reduces the risk of osteoporosis and fractures, and is essential for healthy teeth.
  • Eating milk consistently reduces the risk of high blood pressure, as it contains potassium, which is associated with low blood pressure. Peptides in milk can also contribute to lowering blood pressure, and a study found that taking 12 weeks of cacao cinnamon improves blood pressure. People with type 2 diabetes.
  • Laboratory research has found a role for cinnamon in fighting bacteria.
  • Low fat accumulation and fight weight gain. Calcium in milk works to fight obesity, as well as reduce the risk of moderate obesity (abdominal fat accumulation, waist circumference over a certain level) and metabolic syndrome, and milk intake contributes to feeling And reduces the amount of calories consumed if replaced by other high-sugar drinks and calories.
  • Cinnamon can treat cases of bad digestion
  • Calcium intake at adequate levels reduces the risk of breast and colon cancer and reduces the risk of kidney stones.
  • Eating a glass of warm milk can help you sleep.
  • Reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, where milk and calcium have been found to play a role.
  • Cinnamon may be added to milk by people who do not like it, so cinnamon is a way to get the daily needs of the milk group.
  • Cinnamon can help treat anorexia.
How to prepare cinnamon with milk
There is no specific dose of cinnamon, but you can mix 2 g of cinnamon powder with a cup of cold or hot milk and eat it twice a day.
  • You should consult with your doctor before starting to take herbs with therapeutic doses. The possible dose varies depending on age, health status and other factors. Herbs, including herbs used in the home, such as cinnamon, can interfere with some health conditions. Consult the specialist before taking it.
  • This article is not a medical reference.
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How to Skin Care After Age 30

   At the beginning of your thirties, you may notice some fine lines and dark spots. Therefore, you must follow a special routine to take care of your skin and avoid the problems during that stage. The epidermis begins to lose hydration and is more prone to problems.

How to Skin Care After the Age of 30

Use a gentle and balanced skin lotion:
The use of detergents to balance the acids in the skin; because the presence of acids helps to maintain moisture, and use of lotions to get rid of excess oil and makeup residues.

Try the retinoids:
The use of retinoids to prevent the appearance and reduction of wrinkles, remove skin spots, and maintain their softness.

Regular peeling:
Peel the skin regularly, using mixtures such as white sugar with natural oils.

Vitamin C and D:
Take supplements and vitamin C pills, and sit in the sun in the morning until the skin gets vitamin D from the sun, increasing its freshness and vitality.

Eat foods and beverages that contain antioxidants such as green tea, vegetables, and fresh fruit.

Drink plenty of water:
Drink plenty of water, to keep skin refreshed and fresh, and prevent dryness.

Use serum or skin creams with sunscreen:
Use creams and serums that contain sunscreen to reduce wrinkles and lines that may appear in the skin.

Tips for healthy skin after age 30

  • Do exercises for the facial muscles on a daily basis.
  • Stay away from smoking.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Conduct periodic examinations of hormones and glands.
  • Minimize foods that contain fat, and reduce sugars.
  • Use natural masks for skin.
  • Avoid stress and anxiety.
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Benefits of coconut milk for skin

   Coconut milk has long been used in the preparation of many skin care products for its many benefits to the skin. Using coconut milk (as fresh) as part of the usual skin care routines can ensure that the skin is cleansed, kept moist and fresh.

Benefits of coconut milk for skin:

  • Cleansing Milk for Skin:
Coconut milk cleans the skin deeply and effectively ensures moisture levels.
  The milk can be prepared in a simple and easy way, using coconut milk, by mixing a teaspoon of creamy milk with a few drops of coconut milk, leave the mixture on the skin for five minutes, rinse the skin well, or wipe it. Using wet cotton.

  • Moisturizing for the skin:
In the event of suffering from dry skin and peel all the time, especially in the winter.
  You can use a natural mixture made of coconut milk, by mixing the same amount of coconut milk and natural honey, can add two points of bitter almond oil to the mixture (in the case of severe dry skin), and leave the mixture on the face and neck for ten minutes, and then Rinse with warm water and gently dry them.
  • Anti-Wrinkle Cream:
Cream helps to eliminate wrinkles and tighten the skin.
  The next morning, peel and grind well, add three capsules of vitamin E to the ground almonds, then add some drops of coconut milk, and mix well together, And then put it every night on the skin before sleeping, and rinsed in the morning with warm water.
  • Remover for cosmetics:
The remover is made of natural ingredients. It is best for maintaining the health of the skin. This makeup remover cleans the skin, removes the remaining effects of makeup and the lingering dirt on the skin, and helps to hydrate the skin effectively.
It can be prepared by placing coconut milk in a suitable bowl for half a spoon, mixing it with a teaspoon of olive oil.

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Benefits of apple skin

    Apple is a fruit that is beneficial to human health and is probably one of the most important fruits that gives you a beautiful skin and freshness. Apple contains nutrients and vitamins that nourish the skin and prevent the appearance of skin problems and restore life to your skin.
    It is scientifically known to be full of minerals and vitamins, and is rich in fiber about 4 grams of fiber enclosed in a medium-sized apple. It contains many vitamins and minerals, it contributes to the health system and protects well. Apple contains a lot of antioxidants such as flavonoids.
   Polyphenols and vitamin C help protect the body from harmful bacteria and viruses. Moreover, beta-carotene found in apples fights cancer and anti-cholesterol properties but is also an excellent source of vitamin B, thiamine, riboflavin and pyridoxine. So take a look at the great benefits of apples for enjoying good health with the signs of beauty.

Benefits of apples for skin:

  • Reduces wrinkles and protects against premature aging because it contains collagen.
  • It regenerates its cells; it contains vitamin A which also fights skin cancer.
  • Save them from the young pills.
  • Clean it of grain, spots and pimples to become pure pure skin.
  • Moisturizes the skin and makes it more fresh and vibrant.
  • Treats oily skin.
  • Relieves dark circles and spots under the eye and relieves swelling.
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How to become a pink skin

     It is a sign of beauty that most women aspire to reach, and poets have always sang pink cheeks and bright skin because of their special attractiveness to dazzle the beholder. Getting a pink complexion is not impossible. It takes a little attention and care, It is known that the skin needs to be cared for in all seasons, and in each chapter you need special care. For example, in the summer you need to double protection of the sun, and in winter you need additional moisturizing.

How to acquire pink color for skin:

  • Regular exercise, for the importance of aerobic exercise in stimulating blood circulation, stimulate blood flow in the veins, the surface arteries of the skin, and give the skin a pink color.
  • Apply rose water, mixed with a few drops of apple cider vinegar daily, using a cotton wet with rose water, passing it all over the skin, giving it a bright pink color and giving it freshness.
  • Take care to cleanse the skin from the effects of daily make-up, to lighten the pores, give it the ability to breathe, get rid of fats and oils, and enhance the process of purification of impurities.
  • Use special skin cleansers, pay attention to the skin type, and be careful to choose as many natural cleansers as possible.
  • Apply skin peeling masks to get rid of the dead surface layer, which gives the skin a dull color and helps to regenerate the cells, giving the skin a pink color.
  • Take care of nutritious food, which contains vitamins, especially vitamin C, vitamin E, fiber, and mineral salts, especially vegetables, such as carrots, beetroot, and various fruits, to provide the skin what it needs, and remains a vibrant pink color.
  • Sleep for enough hours, because sleep has a clear and effective effect on the skin, providing it purity, serenity, and color biologically sourced.
  • Avoid washing the skin with very hot water, and wash it with water that tends to cold. Cold water helps to show skin color, give it a beautiful redness, promote blood flow in the blood vessels of the skin, and massage the cheeks with a small piece of ice before applying daily make-up.
  • Add a little olive oil to water, massage the skin for a quarter of an hour, and then shower, and this method to supply the skin.
  • Drink at least eight glasses of water per day, for the importance of water, to enhance the skin color, give it a beautiful pink color, and rid it of the dull color, caused by impurities and toxins.
  • Scrub the skin with sugar mixed with a few drops of lemon, as this method keeps the skin fresh, removes it from the dull color, and promotes the flow of blood in it.
  • Do daily exercises to massage the skin, and practice it using fingers, especially at the cheeks, while taking care to use moisturizing creams during massage.
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Benefits of cinnamon for skin

     Cinnamon has been used for thousands of years and to this day, and many uses are the most important to give a distinctive flavor of many recipes, in addition to medical use, where research and studies that cinnamon comes first, compared to 26 types of herbs and spices in terms of containing anti-oxidant materials Cinnamon is also known for its many benefits to the skin and body 

      Many ladies and girls prefer facial care through the use of natural materials to avoid the risks that cosmetic products may suffer. We will discuss here the most important benefits of cinnamon to face, with face masks and problems that may affect facial skin.

Benefits of cinnamon for skin

There are many benefits to the skin when using cinnamon:
  •    Reduce the signs of aging such as thin lines that may appear on the skin, by increasing the flow of blood to the surface of the skin.And prevent the appearance of signs of aging, which occur as a result of low rate of collagen in the skin with age, where the skin is exposed to loss of flexibility, leading to sagging, but the use of cinnamon on the skin works to increase the rate of collagen in the skin.
Make a mixture of three drops of cinnamon oil and two tablespoons of olive oil, then put the mixture on the places where the lines appear while avoiding the eye area.
  •    Giving the lips a beautiful, shiny and natural touch.
Make a mixture of three drops of cinnamon oil and two tablespoons of olive oil, then put the mixture on the skin while avoiding the area of the eyes.
  •   Eczema treatment that causes the skin to irritate itchy leaves leaving behind bright colored spots.
This is done by making a mixture of a tablespoon of cinnamon with a tablespoon of natural honey, and then the mixture is added to the affected area to eliminate the itching skin, and advised to perform a simple test on the skin before applying so as not to irritate the skin if sensitive.
  • Disinfection and sterilization of wounds and various injuries.Cinnamon contains many antimicrobials, bacteria and fungus that prevent infection, and kill bacteria and heal wounds quickly.
This is by taking a quantity of cinnamon and spraying it on the affected areas
  •   Treat acne and its effects, by drying the skin and increasing the flow of blood and oxygen to the surface of the skin.
This is done with a mixture of a tablespoon of cinnamon and 3 tablespoons of natural honey, then put a thin layer on the face and leave on for 20 minutes, and then wash the face with warm water, and advised to work this mask once a week so as not to irritate the skin.
  •   Get rid of dead skin cells and enjoy smooth skin free of any problems, because of their antioxidant properties.
This is done by mixing a mixture of sea salt, almond oil, olive oil, natural honey, and cinnamon powder, and then painting the affected skin to get the desired result.
Precautions while using cinnamon for skin

There are some precautions and tips that are best taken into consideration when applying and using cinnamon recipes, notably:

Cinnamon oil offers many benefits but comes with a high concentration. It can cause allergies such as swelling of the skin, mouth ulcers, and skin irritation in some people.

It is recommended to perform a simple test on a specific area of ​​the skin before applying cinnamon powder or cinnamon powder to the skin by placing the mixture on the area and grease the mixture in a circular motion and leave it for several minutes before wiping it with a clean cloth. This important step determines if the skin is sensitive to cinnamon Or vice versa.

Cinnamon oil should be diluted with water to avoid any skin irritation.

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Ways to Lose Belly Fat

    Belly fat is maligned for its way of tampering with any outfit that doesn't involve a muumuu, but really there's something way worse about the stuff: When white fat expands in your abdomen, nestling deep among your organs, it sets you up for some serious health trouble. We now know that this type of fat, called visceral fat, churns out stress hormones like cortisol and inflammatory substances called cytokines that affect the body's production of insulin.

   many normal weight people have the metabolic problems associated with obesity .That's because the fat under the skin is actually not that big of a problem (at least not from a health standpoint, it's more of a cosmetic problem).It's the fat in the abdominal cavity, the belly fat, that causes the biggest issues .If you have a lot of excess fat around your waistline, even if you're not very heavy, then you should take some steps to get rid of it.

   Belly fat is usually estimated by measuring the circumference around your waist. This can easily be done at home with a simple tape measure.Anything above 40 inches (102 cm) in men and 35 inches (88 cm) in women, is known as abdominal obesity.

  There are actually a few proven strategies that have been shown to target the fat in the belly area more than other areas of the body.

Here are Simple Ways to Lose Belly Fat:

1. Exercise is very effective at reducing belly fat
Exercise is important for various reasons.

2. Don't eat sugar and avoid sugar-sweetened drinks
Added sugar is very unhealthy.

3. Track your foods and figure out exactly what and how much you are eating
What you eat is important. Pretty much everyone knows this.

4. Eating more protein is a great long-term strategy to reduce belly fat
Protein is the most important macronutrient when it comes to losing weight .

5. Eat foods rich in fiber, especially viscous fiber
Dietary fiber is mostly indigestible plant matter.

6. Cut carbs from your diet
Carb restriction is a very effective way to lose fat.

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Great Moroccan mint tea

     It is believed that tea was first introduced to Morocco in the 18th century, and began spreading through the country in the mid-1800s at the time the trade between the Maghreb and Europe started flourishing.
    Mint tea is a sign of hospitality, friendship and tradition in Morocco.Since this drink is so popular, it is served all day long, after every meal, and with every conversation. Moroccans take great pride in their tea and will often ask a visitor who among their group of friends makes the best cup of mint tea, and a minimum of two to three cups needs to be drunk so as not to offend the host. Moroccan mint tea is a favorite among many people outside of Morocco, too, because of its smooth and sweet taste. It's served very sweet and made the old-fashioned way with gunpowder green tea.

    Watching the process of aromatic mint tea being brewed will leave you feeling relaxed and may inspire you to feel more admiration and love for tea then you may believed was possible. With respect to the timely process of making the tea.

Ingredients :
• 10 fresh mint sprigs, plus 4 for garnish
• 3 teaspoons green tea
• 3 tablespoons sugar
• 4 cups water

Directions :
Boil water. Pour a small amount in teapot and swish around to warm the pot. Combine the mint and green tea and sugar in the teapot, then fill it with the rest of the hot water. Let tea brew, stirring the leaves once or twice, for 3 minutes. Pour tea through a tea strainer into glass teacups to serve. Garnish with cookies
Enjoy your meal

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Oatmeal winter food for weight loss

  Oatmeal are among the healthiest grains on earth.
They're a gluten-free whole grain and a great source of important vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.

   According to study people who eat Oatmeal for breakfast consume one third fewer calories at lunch.
They're a gluten-free whole grain and a great source of important vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.

   Oatmeal is considered a winter food for weight loss
Nothing beats a hot bowl of oatmeal in the winter. Not only is oatmeal tasty and convenient, it’s also full of nutrients and phytochemicals. It also keeps you full and provides lasting energy.

  The nutrient composition of Oatmeal is well-balanced.
They are a good source of carbs and fiber, including the powerful fiber beta-glucan.
They also contain more protein and fat than most grains .
It also contains important vitamins, minerals and antioxidant plant compounds such as:

Vitamin B1 (thiamin)
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
Smaller amounts of calcium, potassium, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) and vitamin B3 (niacin)
This is coming with carbs, protein,  fat and fiber.

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Protect the skin from cold

   Cold weather is tough on skin and exposed body parts. The low temperatures, cold wind, and dry air cause the water in our skin to evaporate even more.It can cause the skin to break and peel .

   If you are awake about the safety of the sun, it’s important to examine your skin regularly and take note of any new moles or growths, and any changes in existing growths. Lesions that change, itch, bleed, or don't heal are also alarm signals. Even if you’ve carefully practiced sun safety all summer, it's important to continue being vigilant about your skin in fall, winter, and spring.
  Here are a few tips to winter-proof yourself when you have to brave the cold.

Choose your clothing carefully

   The best winter jackets have features designed to block the snow or cold air from getting in. For example: storm flaps over the zipper, drawstrings or other closures on the sleeves and waist, a high or stand-up collar. Dick's Sporting Goods has a winter jacket buying guide if you're looking for a jacket that will keep you comfortable and safe from the elements this winter.
   Knit hats and earmuffs are nice, but a hood—especially one that's insulated—will block the wind from the sides of your face.
Similarly, leather or insulated gloves are a better physical barrier than cotton. 

Avoid long, hot showers.

   While a hot bath or shower can feel great in the winter, it can strip your skin of important oils. When possible, use warm or lukewarm water instead, including when you wash your face or hands.

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The benefits of kiwi in cosmetics

   kiwis are small and squishy fruits delicious tropical fruit,It is especially loved

   kiwis contain Nutrition density is the amount of vitamin C , vitamin A, vitamin B6, calcium, iron & magnesium found per gram.
   that are extremely beneficial for your health.Kiwifruit extract is an elixir of nutrients that helps nourish, support and regenerate, revealing vibrant.But did you know that besides being healthy, kiwi fruit benefits your skin and hair?

  Useful for skin
  Kiwis have more vitamin C than a comparable amount of oranges, which helps fight dark spots that are associated with both sun damage and aging, so skin looks more evenly toned.

  Smoother skin
  kiwi is  moisturizer, helping to leave skin smooth and supple. With regular use, skin may appear thicker and more radiant, with fewer fine lines and wrinkles, as though years have been erased.

  Protect the skin
  Kiwis are a good source of vitamin E.  that topical vitamin E may decrease facial lines and the depth of wrinkles. Vitamin E also protects harmful UV rays.
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Secrets about crying men will know them for the first time

   Throughout history and time, many philosophers and scholars have spoken about women's tears. In particular, there have been scientific studies focused on the tears and crying of women, but it remains a controversial question. What about men?
  Of course, even if they tried to hide it, but they also cry sometimes, and although some believe that crying man is evidence of weakness, but the psychology emphasizes that it arises from an emotional person affected by what is happening around him.
  In order to know many things about the crying of men in general and when these feelings are particularly sensitive, we will address the secrets that will explain to you when the man cries, namely:

  Feeling remorse is more sense makes the man cry:
It is one of the most difficult situations that make a man cry when he regrets the opportunity he has, but he hastens to rule it, and on my own, regret is one of the most important and great feelings that no one can afford, especially if they cause serious problems and therefore some men may resort To cry because of his sense of remorse.

The loss of a dear person makes men cry:
One of the most common things that a man cries is the loss of someone close to him, such as the father, the mother (a family member) or the friend. Only 20% of men can remain steadfast during this situation, while 80% can not control themselves on the subject of crying.

  Crying from the intensity of joy:
Many men can not control themselves when they are successful, regardless of whether they are having children, studying or getting married, expressing their joy in tears and those who are particularly strong.

  Percentage of men cry at times of prayer and reverence:
It is a proportion that finds psychological comfort in crying during the humbleness, that crying a person during prayer is evidence of reaching a deep and significant degree of reverence

  The man shall not cry before the woman:
On the whole, men can not do this to women, even if they are at their worst, because they are biologically seeking permanent appearance in bondage, so most men, if they want to cry, go to a place that no one can see in this case.
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There is something in a woman's personality that no man can resist

  No matter how confident you are, your woman, your personality and your total independence, men can not resist one thing in your personality, and this is always in your ability to always be optimistic, hopeful and positive energy far removed from the drama and negative energy that foreshadows any personal indignation. By a partner who can not tolerate a negative and pessimistic woman.

  So it is necessary no matter how many problems and pressures in your life to be able to not be dragged behind the negative energy and feelings and emotions that will not reach you for anything, and on the contrary will affect the atmosphere and the relationship will be upset, which leads to collapse and a major escalation in the problems and differences.

  So you have to maintain the spirit of humor and happiness, and this will feel that the partner a lot of psychological comfort and confidence to be able to trust you and consider you a real partner and can rely on you to buy and bad, share your secrets and good news and problems, and converted in time to the moral and emotional support and material To him, this is ultimately the essence of a successful, healthy and lasting relationship.

  Knowing that this positive energy results in a psychological comfort you can enjoy them while enhancing the confidence factor you have and strengthen your personality and keep you away from frequency or weakness or even a sense of shame, which reflects a clear attraction in your actions.

  This positive spirit will enhance your network of social relationships, and you will be able to engage and integrate easily and quickly in any environment away from shyness, in addition to that character and ability are two men love each woman and become an irresistible person in the heart of the partner.
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Behavior in a man The girl can not resist her attractiveness

    Unlike many behaviors that may occur in daily life that can destroy the relationship between any two partners.
   There are five positive qualities that women can not resist and are considered a special charm to raise them, and we will talk about these qualities in this article, namely:

Dealing with elegance and attention:
  The man has to deal with women with great interest and elegance, and he can express this through a simple compliment that helps him acquire the heart of the woman he loves. The most important thing for a man to do is to observe the small details of women because they will make them a center of respect.

Big Smile:
  Try to smile continuously and laughter, a man with a sense of humor and fun gets the heart of women easily through his style and the positive way to receive any matter and subject to face.

Talent with a certain thing:
  He must be gifted with a specific command and have the skill of drawing, playing or writing poetry or something that all women love, cooking because it is a skill that charms women a lot.

Self confidence:
  A man must be confident and able to contain and absorb women and be able to solve their problems and have a strong bond beside them.

Persuasion in the debate:
  The man must have the ability to prove his or her point of view in the course of a discussion of an issue or a subject. The wise man of Velislava is able to convince women of his talents and abilities in general.
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Henna benefits of hair and scalp

  henna is said to be a long-lived tree that lives long and leaves its leaves not evergreen, and these leaves fall from season to season, sometimes reaching this tree about seven meters, and the original home of this tree Persia and ancient Egypt, and henna of plants, especially used by Egyptians The ancient and ancient Persian civilization, and are currently used frequently by many peoples, especially the Arab peoples at the time of happy and happy occasions.

   The henna material contains a lot of materials, especially the holding material, which is called the thine, which is the material in the henna plant. The leaves of the henna plant are similar in appearance and shape to the leaves of the olive trees but they are longer and the color of these leaves is green and brown. Which are colored in abundance, in addition to the materials of tinine and materials with glue, which is said to be toxic substances and Luzon, where the leaves are collected henna and dried and dried and grind and sold as a powder pigment.

Types of henna
  • Henna Chamomile: Large size and light aroma.
  • Henna Municipality: Red color and less aromatic aroma.
  • Prickly henna: Her leaves are medium and their aromas are wonderful and attractive.
  • Henna Baghdadiya: Her leaves are dark and smells good.

Henna benefits of hair and scalp

  • Reduce the temperature of the head if the temperature is high.
  •   Give hair strength, vitality and activity and increase its density. Treat hair loss and prevent the appearance of white hair (gray).
  • Nourishes the scalp and expels bacteria, parasites and microbes.
  • Hair pigmentation because it contains a natural colored substance pigmentation hair without affecting the hair and scalp negatively.
  • Sometimes hair attacks are treated.

How to use henna for hair

  • Take 3 tablespoons of ground henna.
  • Put a cup of cold water on the henna until the dough is firm.
  • Add natural lemon juice and a little vinegar. You can add a color of henna from the attar.
  • Use a lid on the container where henna is mined to maintain henna moisture.
  • Leave henna until soaked with various substances for half a day full.
  • After soaking, use a head brush and henna on your scalp.
  • After the fat in your hair dry towel or use the head mask to cover the hair.
  • Then leave henna on your head for 4 to 6 hours.

Tips on putting henna on hair
  •  We wash hair thoroughly with shampoo from dust and dirt.
  • We divide hair into four sections.
  • Put henna on the hair from the roots until the parties and be careful not to exceed 5 hours on the head or else will suffer the hair of the bombardment.
  •   We rub the henna on the hair several times in her wolves to all the tufts of hair.
  • Wash the hair well with the scalpel and rub from the roots until the ends to get rid of all the henna atoms.
  • We comb the hair with a wide-edged comb to make sure there are no henna atoms.
  •   Wait until the next day until we wash the hair again with shampoo and a dry hair.
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Bananas in heart health

 Bananas are a good source of vitamin C, potassium and dietary fibre.
Bananas have no fat, cholesterol or sodium.
Bananas are great for athletic and fitness activity because they replenish necessary carbohydrates, glycogen and body fluids burned during exercise.
11 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Bananas
Bananas are extremely healthy and delicious.
They contain several essential nutrients, and have benefits for digestion, heart health and weight loss.
Aside from being very nutritious, they are also a highly convenient snack food.
Here are 11 health benefits of bananas that are supported by scientific research.
. Bananas Contain Many Important Nutrients
Bananas are among the most popular fruits on earth.

  Native to Southeast Asia, they are now grown in many warmer parts of the world. Bananas are available all year-round. They are harvested every day of the year.

  There are many types of bananas available, which vary in color, size and shape. The most common type is the yellow banana, which is green when unripe.

  Bananas contain a fair amount of fiber, as well as several antioxidants. One medium-sized banana (118 grams) also contains (1, 2, 3):
Vitamin B6: 33% of the RDI.
Manganese: 14% of the RDI.
Vitamin C: 11% of the RDI.
Copper: 10% of the RDI.
Potassium: 9% of the RDI.
Magnesium: 8% of the RDI.

Net carbs: 24 grams.

Fiber: 3.1 grams.
Protein: 1.3 grams.
Fat: 0.4 grams.
  Each banana contains only about 105 calories, and consists almost exclusively of water and carbs. Bananas contain very little protein and almost no fat.

  The carbs in unripe (green) bananas consist mostly of starch and resistant starch, but as the banana ripens, the starch turns into sugar (glucose, fructose and sucrose).

   Bananas in the diet
Bananas and oatmeal
Add a sliced banana to your morning cereal or oatmeal for a more nutritious breakfast.
Fresh bananas are available year-round. Unlike other fruits, the ripening process of bananas does not slow down after they are picked. Bananas should be stored at room temperature.
  The warmer the temperature, the faster bananas will ripen. However, to slow ripening, bananas should be refrigerated. The outer peel of the banana will darken but the banana itself will stay intact longer.

Heart health
   Bananas are good for your heart. They are packed with potassium, a mineral electrolyte that keeps electricity flowing throughout your body, which is required to keep your heart beating. Bananas' high potassium and low sodium content may also help protect your cardiovascular system against high blood pressure, according to the FDA.

   As well as being eaten raw, bananas are a great addition to a variety of recipes including smoothies, baked goods and cereal where you are reducing the amount of refined sugar. Unlike bananas, plantains cannot be eaten raw - they need to be cooked. They can be grilled and then mashed into porridge or more commonly roasted or fried. Mostly viewed as a sweet fruit, some Asian cuisines treat bananas like a vegetable and use them in savoury dishes too
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Why Is Rose Water Good For Your Skin?

     It is not too hard to get lost in the heavenly fragrance of rose water. This amazing ingredient is a staple in most skin care routines.

     Why Is Rose Water Good For Your Skin?
We know rose water's great for skin and hair but why it's good and how exactly must you use it.Rose water or Gulab Jal is incredibly versatile thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties and rich content of antioxidants. The water helps soothe your skin, tone it, and keep it moisturized. Its versatility allows it to be combined with various ingredients to suit the needs of each skin type. Here, the top 10 ways I used Rose

     Rose water can have strong antidepressant and antianxiety properties. A 2011 study found that the extract of rose petals can relax the central nervous system in mice. This resulted in antidepressant and antianxiety effects.

    One of the greatest benefits of rose water is its strong anti-inflammatory properties. These properties can help treat multiple ailments, both internal and external. It may even help soothe the irritation of eczema or rosacea.

    Rose water is often found in beauty products aimed to reduce wrinkles. That’s because it may actually have anti-aging effects. In addition to soothing irritated skin, it may reduce the appearance of wrinkles when applied topically.

    Doctors often prescribe antibiotics for sore throats, but you may want to try rose water as well. Rose water has traditionally been used to soothe sore throats. While research is needed to prove its effectiveness, there’s strong anecdotal evidence to support it and very little risk in trying it.

    Rose water has powerful antiseptic properties, which can prevent and treat infections. Because of this, rose water is often included in a variety of natural and medicinal treatments. One study even found that when rose water was used in eye drops to treat conjunctivitis cases, its antiseptic and analgesic properties helped in treating the ocular disease.

   In folk medicine, rose water has been used to aid in digestion and reduce digestive upset. According to a 2008 study, there is some evidence that rose water can positively influence digestion and relieve digestive upset. It may also improve bile secretion, which can further aid digestion.

   Rose water has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can help wounds heal faster. These properties can help clean and fight off infection of cuts and burns. They can also help cuts, burns, and even scars heal faster.

   Rose water has been used as a beauty product for thousands of years, so it’s no surprise that it can improve your complexion and reduce skin redness. The antibacterial properties may help reduce acne. The anti-inflammatory properties can reduce skin redness and puffiness.

   Rose water and rose essential oil are commonly used in aromatherapy to help relieve headaches. This may be due to the de-stressing effects discussed in the section above. One study found that the vapor of rose water can soothe headaches. Another option is to apply a compress soaked in rose water to the head for 45 minutes for positive results.

  Rose petals and rose oil contain a number of powerful antioxidants, which can help protect cells from damage. One study found that these antioxidants had potential lipid peroxidation inhibitory effects. This provides powerful cell protection as a result.
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The Beauty benefits of Prickly Pear Oil

    There are about 2,000 different types of cactus. Each cactus of a particular species does not look exactly alike. For example, the fish may vary in length and color. Most people are wary of cactus because these plants are covered with thorns that can be painful if accidentally touched. But there is a kind of cactus plant, called prickly pear, which actually produces sweet edible fruits with vital health benefits.

    Before we learn about the beauty benefits of prickly pear oil, let's take a look at some important facts, information and characteristics of prickly pear oil

    Prickly pear oil is rich in many properties that make it nourishing and healing the skin. Some of these elements include:

Vitamin A
Vitamin B
Vitamin E
Minerals (magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, potassium, phosphorus)
Linoleic acid
Oleic acid
Pemetic acid
fatty acid

   The beauty benefits of prickly pear oil

For oily skin.

 Great for skin prone acne.

 L Youth, soft skin.


 Benefits of anti aging.

 Dark circles under the eye.

 Reduce redness and swelling.

 Serum hair.

 Characteristics of strong transdermal.

 Oil Purification.

  Seed oil pear seed acidity acid combination

Linoleic acid 60.5%
Oleic acid 20.6%
Palmic acid 13.9%
Fatty acid 3.2%
Tocopherol 895 mg / kg 
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Argan Oil Benefits

         Argania spinosa is a very rare tree, found only in the south of Morocco, especially in the Sous region and is known for its oil, which is the rarest oil in the world for its abundance of benefits.

        Argan oil
Argan oil is known for its liquid gold, which is extracted from the kernel of the Argan tree. It is one of the most expensive oils known to all the world's celebrities. It contains high levels of vitamin E and 80% unsaturated fatty acids, making it a better moisturizer for skin and hair. It also contains a lot of nutrients that give the face and hair and skin in general the necessary moisturizing.

      The most important benefits of Moroccan argan oil
  When the skin is exposed to harmful sun rays, free radicals, which cause the formation of fine lines and wrinkles, are formed. As a result of the Argan oil containing vitamin E, its use helps to reduce the damage of these roots. It also contains soap, which acts as a laxative. Water and fatty layer of the skin, to fight signs of premature aging.
     Therapeutic properties
  Argan oil contains active substances that have healing properties that help heal tissue scarring, protect against sunlight, act as an antiseptic for anti-inflammatory properties. People suffering from joint pain and rheumatism are advised to use massage oil to reduce pain.
    Lower cholesterol level
  Argan oil is rich in plant sterols, which studies have shown to help reduce body infections, prevent absorption of cholesterol in the intestines, promote blood circulation, and help boost body immunity.

     Healthy digestion
  The use of argan oil increases the concentration of pepsin enzyme in the gastric extract, thus facilitating digestion in a healthy manner. It also contains antioxidant flavonide which reduces internal and external inflammation.
     skin diseases
  Argan oil has been used to treat various dermatological diseases such as chickenpox, acne and eczema, as well as its ability to provide moisture to the skin, so that it fights the symptoms of itching, dehydration and can also be placed on the stretch marks resulting from pregnancy to remove.

     Healthy scalp
  If the scalp is exposed to dandruff and dryness, it is recommended to apply argan oil to the scalp, and massage it gently throughout the night and wash it on the second day with a shampoo for a moist scalp.

     Facial glow
  Argan oil is used in many expensive creams, skin creams, and for dazzling results, glowing and glowing skin, it is recommended to mix ten drops of argan oil into one of the favorite creams and apply it on the face, as night cream for a moist skin the second day.

     Soft fingernails
  If nails are broken and peeling, it is recommended to use Argan oil, which helps to strengthen the nails and soften the skin to contain vitamin E, by massage them with this oil.

     The freshness of the skin
  Argan oil gives its user a range of skin-related benefits such as getting rid of blackheads and spots, as well as giving Argan oil a vital and radiant skin.
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Interesting Beauty

     Makeup can make you look more mature. but it can also allow a youthful beauty to shine in case you have been advancing in age.women always wish to look younger.
    A youthful look equals eternal beauty. On the other hand, nothing will age you quicker than cosmetics that has subsided into each line and wrinkle.
    The skin has a tendency to get drier as we get more established, making the establishment of wrinkles easier.
    In order to keep your youthful look, you should begin with cream or face oil and take after with preliminary to make a smooth palette.

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The benefits of kiwi in cosmetics

   kiwis are small and squishy fruits delicious tropical fruit,It is especially loved    kiwis contain Nutrition density is the amount of...