Benefits of lemon to face

Lemon sour

 Citrus lemons are vegetables that belong to the citrus family, which are spread in the cold winter. It is characterized by its green and yellow color and its distinctive acid taste. Lemon is used in various foods, salads and sauces. It is also possible to drink lemonade in normal days and in winter. , Besides its distinctive taste and its important addition to different foods, it enjoys many health benefits for its richness in the important elements of the body, and is used for cosmetic purposes of the face and hair.
    Some benefits of lemon
  • Reduce scars and redness.
  • The skin is bright, shiny and vibrant with a distinctive glow.
  • Eliminate the signs and effects of acne
  • Clean the skin from the effects of daily use of cosmetics.
  • Signs of aging delay the aging of the face.
  • Lighten the skin especially for people with dark and irritating skin.
  • Low fat that leads to the appearance of grains on the face.

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