Benefits of Radish

The benefits of radishes for the body, has long been known as a natural body cleanser of toxins, in addition to being a natural diuretic of urine, and contributes to control levels of sugar and pressure.

Radish is known as one of the root vegetables of the Crusader family. The continent of Asia is the home of its origin, although there are several types of it, from which it is white and red, and it is characterized by its warm taste. It should be noted that it is possible to take advantage of all its parts, Where it is possible to eat his leaves, and add them to the authorities with radishes, increasing their nutritional value.

The nutritional value of radish:

Radish contains many nutrients necessary for the health and safety of the body, such as: proteins, vitamins, especially vitamin B compound, vitamin K, and vitamin C, in addition to metals such as potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, And antioxidants such as flavonoids, lutein, zaxanthin, anthocyanins, and beta-carotene, and it should be noted that it contains a small percentage of calories.

Benefits of Radish:
  • It cleanses the skin, treats its cracks, and relieves rash, because it contains vitamins such as vitamin C.
  • Relieves the pain of insect bites, because it contains antioxidants.
  • Strengthens sex, and treats erectile dysfunction in both sexes; it contains minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.
  • Strengthens hair, stimulates growth, reduces its chances of falling, eliminates the skin, and maintains scalp moisture, as it contains vitamins and minerals.
  • The pressure level in the blood is regulated because it contains large amounts of potassium. Blood pressure increases as a result of the rise in sodium in the blood. It is important to note that the relationship between sodium and potassium is inverse.
  • It treats sleeping disorders, relieves anxiety, so it is advisable to drink a cup of radish juice before immortality, because it contains minerals.
  • It relieves respiratory disorders, eliminates viruses, and bacteria, thus alleviating flu, asthma, bronchitis, and coughing, as it contains antioxidants, and vitamins.
  • Maintains the integrity of the liver, increases the flow of bile in the body, so as to contain a large amount of sulfur.
  • Limits cardiovascular disease, and heart, because it contains large amounts of flavonoids, and anthocyanins responsible for cardiovascular safety.
  • Enhances the efficiency of metabolism, reduces blood sugar, and reduces weight, because it contains a large amount of fiber.
  • It protects against cancer, such as cancer of the intestines, colon, stomach and mouth, because it contains antioxidants, vitamin C, anthocyanins and folic acid as it fights the free radicals causing the disease, and prevents reproduction.
  • Improves the efficiency of the immune system, also provides the body with white blood cells, and antioxidants responsible for attacking colds.
  • Colon and kidneys eliminate toxins, also protects the bitterness and liver, because it contains minerals.
  • It is a natural diuretic of urine, as it softens the intestines, which reduces constipation because it contains fibers.
  • It treats acne, prevents the formation of pimples, also removes the toxins that lead to these pimples, because of their containment of antioxidants, and vitamins.
Is there any damage to the radish?

Eating radishes is safe, but large amounts of it can cause gastrointestinal irritation. In pregnancy and lactation, intake should not be exceeded by the reasonable amounts normally found in food, due to lack of sufficient information about the effect of high intake during these periods , And it should also be avoided in cases of cholecystectomy, as ingestion of large quantities stimulates the colic that accompanies these cases.

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How do I know that I love

    Love is the strange feeling that comes to you when you meet the right person, is the indescribable feeling of words, but the senses to the degree that affect the mind and body as the heart. But is feeling enough to make sure you signed up with love? Or are there any other signs of that? In this article we help you identify signs of falling in love.

Ways to know if you are loving
  • If the person you love is the first to come to you when you wake up, it indicates that he has a great place in your heart.
  • If you think about it when you wear your clothes in the morning.
  • If you forgot to eat. this is not limited to food only but to many of the daily activities that you normally do.
  • If you are standing in love, you will find yourself in many moments sitting alone, smiling. Do not think that smile is without reason. First half because you feel good and the other half because you laugh at yourself.
  • Desire: The amount of longing for a person reflects the extent of attachment to him, so it is possible to know the extent of love feelings towards a particular person, by measuring the extent of longing and loss when the person is away.
  • If you feel a strange feeling when approaching you: like stuttering, sweating or tingling.
  • If you like to spend as much time as possible together: the more you like to spend your time together, the more you will notice how much you love him.
  • If you have actually begun to think about your future and your coming days together.
      This is the most conspicuous Signs of falling in love If you encounter these banners, you are in love, congratulations.
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Benefits of drinking water with lemon


    Water is one of the essentials of life for all living beings, and it can not be kept alive for more than a few days. It is a high percentage of the human body, ranging from 75% in infants to 55% in the elderly. Its balance and functions.

Drink water with lemon

   Lemon is an acidic plant rich in many vitamins, minerals and active chemicals. It is rich in antioxidants that purify and protect the body from toxins, protect it from the formation of cancer cells, and find effective compounds and various nutrients in all parts of the lemon plant, including its husks, The lemon juice can be used to prepare a drink of water and lemon, which can be drunk as a substitute for hot drinks. It can also be drunk cold for activity and recovery. To take advantage of the benefits of drinking water and lemon, it is recommended to drink it constantly, and add more lemon to water, and advised to consume fresh lemon, not lemon artificial.

The most important benefits of drinking water:

  • Helps to lose weight:In an experiment scientists found that drinking two cups of water before meals can help suppress appetite and thus help lose weight when drinking water, it fills your stomach and reduces the tendency to eat more. In addition to the water helps to increase the rate of burning body fat, and works to eliminate fat cells. The water is calorie-free and is considered an alternative to high-calorie beverages such as alcohol, sugary soft drinks and soft drinks that often contribute to gaining excess weight.
  • Maintains healthy skin:Drinking lemon and water may improve the health and appearance of the skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles on it, and protect it from dehydration, because of its content of vitamin C
  • Optimization of the immune system:Lemon contains vitamin C, which improves the performance of the immune system and resistance to many diseases, especially cold and flu, so the best treatment for the elimination of cold symptoms during the winter is to drink a glass of water with lemon in the morning on the stomach.
  • Prevents bad breath:It is recommended to drink a glass of water and lemon after meals, and when waking up, where it is believed that lemon stimulates the secretion of saliva, and it is recommended to drink water and lemon, The water prevents dry mouth, which means removing bad breath caused by excess bacterial growth.
  • Helps digestion and treat constipation:Drinking water, warm or hot lemons on the saliva will soften and move the digestive system, preventing constipation.
  • Repellent for toxins:Citric acid in lemon may prevent the formation of kidney stones, and drinking the same water prevents the formation of these stones. It should be noted that half a cup of lemon juice provides the body with the same amount of citric acid found in some prescribed drugs.
How to prepare water with lemon

   Preparation of water and lemon syrup: Add half a lemon juice to a cup of boiling, warm or cold water. Other ingredients can be added to enhance the flavor, such as adding a little mint, or a little cinnamon, or slices of other citrus fruits such as orange or slices of cucumber , Or a teaspoon of honey, or a slice of fresh ginger.
 It is recommended to take one cup of water and lemon juice in the morning, and leave a jug of water containing some slices of lemon in the refrigerator, for consumption throughout the day.

Damage Water consumption with lemon
   Drinking water and lemon is safe for consumption, but it has few health and potential harms and symptoms:
  • Drinking water and lemon may weaken the enamel of the teeth, because lemon contains citric acid, so it is advisable to drink it and then drink water after it to remove its effects.
  • Because lemon contains citric acid, it may calm the symptoms of heartburn in others, because of its transformation into an alkaline substance in the digestive system, in case of drinking water and lemon from the problem of heartburn Stomach, advised to avoid drinking and consumption.
  • Drinking water and lemon may require frequent showering during the day. This drink is diuretic, probably because of the increased amount of water consumed.

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Benefits of basil herb

    natural herbs

      Medicinal herbs have been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy for diseases, and recent studies have shown the ability of natural herbs to provide health benefits to humans. Some common herbs may protect against chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer, and prevent infections in the body. The majority of studies show the benefits of healthy oregano, thyme, basil and rosemary, as well as other spices such as cinnamon, chili, garlic and turmeric. In addition to the benefits of medicinal herbs, they give flavor to the taste Without adding extra calories.

Reihan herb
Is one of the most aromatic plants known for its benefits and beauty, it is characterized by a very beautiful and fragrant flavor, its leaves are used as a kind of spices for soups, salads and as a flavor of tea, and contains many important elements of the body.

Benefits of basil for the body

  • Calms stomach:Used to calm the digestive system and treat vomiting.

  • Treatment of kidney stones:He treats kidney disease and saves it from the stones.

  • Relieves sore throat: Used as a treatment for sore throat, colds and coughs.

  • Cancer prevention: Cures cancers and cardiovascular disease.

  • Treatment of gum disorders: gives the mouth a refreshing scent, also maintains the integrity of the teeth and their cleanliness, and protects the gums from exposure to inflammation.

  • To relieve headaches: Treat cases of sun stroke, circulation and headaches

  • Preserving the health of the eye: Prevents diseases, seasonal eye infections and boils, so that it is enriched with vitamin A necessary for eye health.

  • Helps in weight loss: Helps to burn fat and eliminate laziness.

  • Fever treatment: Basil is used as a treatment for fever,

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Benefits of Pears


Pears are Pearsthat is sweet and rich in water and is considered one of the most important fruits that works on the growth of the children's body in the right way. The fruit contains the necessary components to get what the body needs of vitamins and minerals. It is useful for skin and hair and for many diseases, Kidney disease, and is also a fruit moisturizing and nutritious and beneficial to the intestines and stomach, and soothing and laxative and softening and diuretic.

Benefits of Pears

  • Benefits of Pears for digestion:Pear fruit is the most fruit-containing dietary fiber, especially
    soluble. The fruit of the fruit per pear is about 5.5 g of fiber, equivalent to approximately 14-26% of the daily needs of the human fiber needed by the body. Fiber helps improve digestion in the body by facilitating the process of output, reducing the chances of constipation, and even if the person suffers from the softness of waste, the fiber works to link the excess water content in the waste. Fiber also contributes to protecting people from the risk of hemorrhoids.

  • Benefits of pears for pregnant women:Women and childbirth experts stressed that pears are a
    safe food for women during pregnancy, and pears are very useful because they contain many nutrients necessary for women's health during pregnancy. One fruit of pear fruit provides about 12 micrograms of folate, which are necessary and necessary for pregnancy, especially in the first weeks, so the fruit of the pear is one of the richest foods containing folate. Pear fruit is an important source of vitamin C, which is essential for pregnant women during pregnancy. The fruit contains about 7.5 mg of vitamin C. It is worth mentioning that pregnant women daily need about 85 grams of vitamin C, , So that the fruit of one of the fruits of pears provide the equivalent of 10% or slightly less than the daily need of pregnant women. Vitamin C is more important in being an antioxidant as well as in the absorption of iron in the blood.

  • Benefits of pear to relieve weight:Pear fruit helps lower body weight when added to a
    person's daily diet. Because it contains most of the necessary elements of the body such as vitamins and minerals and also provide the body energy necessary, and is rich in dietary fiber. Experts suggest that a diet that contains a large amount of fiber helps to reduce weight significantly, because the fiber need more time to chew, and thus reduce the amount of food eaten by humans. Dietary fiber also works on the human feeling of satiety. In recent studies, women who ate 3 pesos a day lost weight more because they consumed fewer calories.

  • Pears and sexual ability in men:One of the reasons for the weakness of sexual ability in men
    is fat and its accumulation within the arteries caused by cholesterol, which causes tightness in those arteries and reduces the flow of blood in them, resulting in erectile dysfunction. The benefits of pears reduce cholesterol, which increases blood flow within the arteries, Pears contain many vitamins and minerals that the body needs to complete the sexual process.
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Benefits of bitter almond oil for hair

Almond oil
         Almond oil is a natural ingredient used in the manufacture of many cosmetics, because of the many benefits of skin and hair, and extracted bitter almond oil from almond tree, which is grown large and wide in West Asia and North Africa, and "Iran" is the original home of the almond tree, Oil by distillation, by separating the almond from its outer shell before crushing, and extracting two kinds of oils, sweet almond oil, and bitter almond oil, each of which has great benefits for hair and skin.
   Its toxic properties can be killed by exposing it to high temperatures, but it nevertheless contains many vitamins, minerals and compounds that make it have many different benefits.

Benefits of bitter almond oil for hair

  • Due to the combination of bitter almond oil rich in minerals such as iron and sodium, it prevents hair loss, which is a big problem both in women and men.

  • Almond oil prevents the infection of the hair scalp inflammation.

  • The bitter almond oil contains important proportions of natural fats that make the hair firmer and stronger.

  • Resists bitter almond oil to break hair and break it.

  • Almond oil helps to remove fat and dead skin cells, which helps to strengthen the hair from its pores to its limbs as it accelerates its growth.

  • The almond oil strengthens the hair follicles because of its richness in many minerals and helps to promote the growth of hair and make it more dense and healthy.

  • The bitter almond oil increases the moisture content of the scalp.

  •  It has many anti-bacterial properties, making it useful in getting rid of bacteria that can infect the scalp or hair.

  • Almond oil positively affects hair growth quickly.

  • The bitter almond oil limits the dryness of the scalp and prevents the appearance of the crust.
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Steps of skin care at night

         The skin is exposed to many conditions throughout the day, such as sun exposure, ultraviolet radiation, exposure to dust, air pollution, burning chemicals, and other surrounding conditions that can cause damage to the skin over time or premature signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines. Evening any pre-sleep is the best period of skin care.
        During sleep, blood vessels dilate, allowing nutrients and oxygen to penetrate the skin, as well as to eliminate toxic substances in cells, so night skin care greatly enhances these results.

Steps of skin care at night:
Remove make-up:The first tip in the skin care routine for the night related to makeup. Do not go to sleep at all when you put makeup, because this way you close the pores and help them to store dust and dirt, which will cause the appearance of pimples. Make sure to use a waterproof makeup remover to save you from any makeup deposits related to the pores.
Toner:After washing your face, the pores will be open, so you need the toner to close. Do not forget this step in the skin care routine at night, so as to avoid blisters. Toner helps maintain the balance of acidity of the skin, as well as improve skin texture.
Moisturizing the skin:It is recommended that moisturizing is usually daily. It is usually good for the skin. It helps to remove the dead skin, nourish the skin, renew it and make it more youthful.
Under Eye Cream:Because your eyes say a lot about you, you should make eye cream within your skin care routine. So take the time to put the eye cream on the surrounding area to moisten, and you will notice in the morning how to become your face bright.
Peeling skin:Peel works to remove dead skin cells, and it is recommended to peel the skin twice a week at least, using light peeling products on the skin, or can be prepared natural peeled in the house, such as milk, bran and others.
Lip moisturizing:One of the most delicate areas of the skin is the lips, where they should take their share of appropriate night care, to avoid cracking and cracking and appearance pale, and this is done by applying lip balm daily on the lips, as well as peeling once a week using oils to moisten more and maintain their appearance.
Hair:Are you wondering how your hair undergoes a night care routine? Here lies the answer. Make sure your hair is tied or make a loose braid before sleeping. Lift your hair from your face while you are sleeping so that none of them will get dirty as a result of sweating.
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The benefits of kiwi in cosmetics

   kiwis are small and squishy fruits delicious tropical fruit,It is especially loved    kiwis contain Nutrition density is the amount of...